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Found 932 jobs
Program Manager
The YSPA Program Manager (PM) is the person primarily responsible for logistics and student health and safety during the program. The PM must be ve...
Department Chair and Professor
The University of Rochester invites applications and nominations for the position of chair of the Department of Mathematics.
Summer Sessions Lecturer - Physics - College of Letters & Science
UC Berkeley invites applications for a pool of qualified, temporary, non-tenure track lecturers to teach a range of physics courses.
Summer 2025 undergrad research at UMD College Park (nonlinear dynamics)
Get paid to do physics research at the University of Maryland College Park in Summer 2024. Application deadline: February 14, 2025.
Postdoctoral Scholar
Support the development of advanced cryogenic calorimeters and associated electronics for the next-generation neutrinoless double-beta decay search.
Astronomy Lecturer and Observatory Director
The Department of Chemistry and Physics at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga invites applications for a Lecturer position in Astronomy.
Deputy Associate Program Leader for Nuclear Materials Baseline Operations Active security clearance
We have an opening for a Deputy Associate Program Leader (DAPL) in Nuclear Materials Baseline Operations . You will support the Associate Program...
Deputy Associate Program Leader for Nuclear Materials Metallurgy - Active security clearance requir
We have one opening for a Deputy Associate Program Leader (DAPL) in Metallurgy . You will support the Associate Program Leader in managing metallu...
Deputy Associate Program Leader for Nuclear Materials Chemical Operations - Active security clearanc
We have an opening for a Deputy Associate Program Leader (DAPL) in Chemical Operations . You will support the Associate Program Leader in managing...
Undergraduate Researcher
Conduct undergraduate researcher in Advanced Mobility (ITS, CAV, V2X).
Design Physics Division Group Leader - Active Security Clearance Required
We have openings for a Group Leader (GL) in the Design Physics Division (DPD). You will provide leadership and oversight to your group, consisting...
Design Physics Division Group Leader - Active Security Clearance Required
We have openings for a Group Leader (GL) in the Design Physics Division (DPD). You will provide leadership and oversight to your group, consisting...
Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Physics and Astronomy at Louisiana State University
10 week REU program performing physics/astronomy research with faculty as part of an integrated cross-department program with workshops and seminars.
REU in Renewable Energy Generation and Storage
Engage in interdisciplinary research to solve energy challenges, from alternative battery materials to printable solar cells.
Structural Vaccinology - Postdoctoral Researcher
NOTE: This is a two-year Postdoctoral appointment with the possibility of extension to a maximum of three years. We are seeking a highly motivated...
Synthetic Biology - Postdoctoral Researcher
NOTE: This is a two-year Postdoctoral appointment with the possibility of extension to a maximum of three years. We are seeking a dedicated and har...
Laser-Based Mass Spectrometry - Postdoctoral Researcher
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher to develop resonance ionization mass spectrometry (RIMS) including establishing a new RIMS instrument for...