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Found 940 jobs
Design Physicist
We are seeking exceptional Physical Scientists and Engineers with backgrounds in fields such as plasma physics, radiation transport, atomic physics...
Atmospheric, Earth & Energy Undergraduate Student Intern - Summer 2025
We have openings for undergraduate students to engage in practical research experience to further their educational goals. Opportunities include...
Materials Science Division - Undergraduate Student Intern - Summer 2025
We have multiple openings for undergraduate students to engage in practical research experience to further their educational goals. Opportunities i...
Computational Chemistry Materials Science Graduate Intern - Summer 2025
We have multiple openings for graduate students to engage in practical research experience to further their educational goals in the Computational...
Seismology - Research Staff Member
We have an opening for a Geophysical Software Developer and Data Specialist to develop and apply advanced computational methods to seismology resea...
Actinide Chemistry and Materials Science Postdoctoral Researcher
We have an opening for a Postdoctoral Researcher to explore the chemistry and materials science of actinide elements. You will be part of an interd...
KITP Graduate Fellowships - Summer/Fall 2025
The Graduate Fellowship program offers a unique opportunity for a select group of physics doctoral students
Dean, Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science
University of Miami invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science
Preceptor in Physics
Harvard University, Department of Physics, Preceptor in Physics. Apply at at
Research Assistant Professor
Research Assistant Professor position: helium recovery plants & dilution refrigerators or strong experience in nanofabrication & characterization.
REU: Integrating Computation and Experiment to Create Revolutionary Materials
This REU program focuses on developing new materials using simulations and experiment. Projects are typically renewable energy-focused
REU at Penn State University in Scalable Nanomanufacturing of Complex Materials
The REU will grow 2D materials and create nano electronic devices and characterize the films and collect electrical data.
ASA Summer Undergraduate Research or Internship Experience in Acoustics (SURIEA)
SURIEA offers classroom sessions, research training, and career development in acoustics. Interns work with mentors on research or industry projects.
Physics Teaching Jobs at K-12 Private Schools
Let ATOMS Placement help you find your next teaching job. ATOMS is a boutique educational recruitment firm specializing in the placement of STEM (s...
Center for Emergent Materials at Ohio State Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program
Paid 10-week undergraduate research program focusing on designing and growing new materials and developing tools to control their material properties.
Interdisciplinary Renewable and Environmental Collaborative (IREC) REU at UND
This program gives research opportunities to undergraduate students with priority to first generation college students, students from underrepresen...
Visiting Assistant Professor of Physics
DAVIDSON COLLEGE – Two-Year Visiting Assistant Professor Davidson College invites applications for a two-year position at the level of Visiting A...
Assistant Professor in Physics and Astronomy (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical-AMO)
UTRGV invites applications for a Tenure-track Assistant Professor position in experimental, theoretical, or computational AMO Physics