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Found 34 jobs
Physics Teaching Jobs at K-12 Private Schools
Let ATOMS Placement help you find your next teaching job. ATOMS is a boutique educational recruitment firm specializing in the placement of STEM (s...
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Research Assistant Professor
Research Assistant Professor position: helium recovery plants & dilution refrigerators or strong experience in nanofabrication & characterization.
Deputy Director for Colliders and Accelerator Facilities
Provide strong engagement with the Electron-Ion Collider, including substantive personal work scope and leadership.
Illinois Physics REU
The Department of Physics at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign hosts a 10-week National Science...
NASA MSFC Research Astrophysicist, X-ray Optics and Instrumentation - Declaration of Interest
NASA’s George C. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) X-Ray Group in the Astrophysics Branch of the Science
REU Site: Sustainability and Resilience of Civil and Environmental Infrastructure in Rural Areas
Despite their significance, rural areas have historically been underrepresented in research and disproportionately underserved in terms of infrastr...
Summer Research Program - REU: Emergent Quantum Materials and Technology (EQUATE)
Emergent Quantum Materials and Technologies (EQUATE) is a $20 million NSF-funded project placing Nebraska researchers in the second quantum revolut...
REU Research Experience for Undergraduates - Physics & Astronomy Dept, University of Rochester 2025
The University of Rochester Department of Physics & Astronomy welcomes applicants for our summer REU program in physics and astrophysics. Each summ...
Postdoctoral Research Associate Positions at BarabásiLab
The lab of Professor Albert-László Barabási is seeking Postdoctoral Research Associates in the areas of statistical physics and network science, bi...
REU in Physics & Astronomy at TCU
The TCU REU program provides research opportunities in a variety of areas of physics & astronomy including: Biophysics, Chemical Physics, Observati...
Institute for Shock Physics Summer School
The Shock Physics Summer School at Washington State University was established to provide an opportunity for talented upper-level undergraduate stu...
Collaborative Approaches among Scientists and Engineers Research Experience for Undergraduates
The National Science Foundation (NSF) and Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) funded Collaborative Approaches among Scie...
Assistant, Associate, and Full Professorships for the Physics Program at GTIIT
Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology [GTIIT] is a new university established in Shantou City, Guangdong Province, China in cooperation...
Soft Matter REU at Cleveland State University (May 27-Aug 1, 2025)
The Departments of Physics and Chemical & Biomedical Engineering at Cleveland State University invite you to experience cutting edge soft matter re...
Penn State Physics REU: Sustainable Physics and Materials Research
Are you interested in a paid summer research experience for undergrads (funded by NSF) focused on physics and how physics research contributes to g...
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Physics and Astronomy
Applications for the REU program are sought from undergraduate students who are interested doing physics research, and who are either U.S. citizens...
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (MRSEC REU)
The MRSEC Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program provides summer undergraduate research opportunities in science and engineering. Th...