Physics jobs
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- Acoustics 5
- Astronomy, Astrophysics & Space Science 21
- Atomic & Molecular Physics 37
- Chemistry & Chemical Physics 103
- Condensed Matter 15
- Mathematics & Theoretical Physics 78
- Optics, Photonics & Laser Science 29
- Particle, Nuclear & High Energy Physics 47
- Plasma & Fusion Physics 8
- Rheology & Fluid Dynamics 1
- California 52
- Florida 12
- Illinois 20
- Indiana 19
- Maryland 15
- Massachusetts 26
- New York 22
- Pennsylvania 19
- Texas 21
- Virginia 30
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- Developer 15
- Engineer 24
- Fellow / Post-Doc 11
- Intern / Student 28
- Manager 28
- Professor / Teacher 97
- Researcher 32
- Scientist 61
- Staff 86
- Technician 11
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- Academic Career 117
- Experienced Career 186
- Early Career 73
- Other 5
- Fixed Term 4
- Full Time 258
- Internship / Fellowship 27
- Visiting / Adjunct 30
- Part Time 15
- Temporary / Interim 25
- Tenure-Track 13
- Other 6
Found 378 jobs
Physics Teaching Jobs at K-12 Private Schools
Let ATOMS Placement help you find your next teaching job. ATOMS is a boutique educational recruitment firm specializing in the placement of STEM (s...
Top job
Aalto Science Institute (AScI) International Summer Research Programme 2025
Summer research internships (full salary) in physics. Duration appox 3 months.
Long Term Substitute: High School Physics and/or Biology (remote)
The Well-Trained Mind Academy is seeking part-time science instructors to substitute teach three live, online sections of high school physics.
KITP Graduate Fellowships - Summer/Fall 2025
The Graduate Fellowship program offers a unique opportunity for a select group of physics doctoral students
Dean, Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science
University of Miami invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science
Preceptor in Physics
Harvard University, Department of Physics, Preceptor in Physics. Apply at at
Research Assistant Professor
Research Assistant Professor position: helium recovery plants & dilution refrigerators or strong experience in nanofabrication & characterization.
Instrument Scientist (f/m/d)
Define and develop an own scientific project using MID, in collaboration with the group.
REU at Penn State University in Scalable Nanomanufacturing of Complex Materials
The REU will grow 2D materials and create nano electronic devices and characterize the films and collect electrical data.
ASA Summer Undergraduate Research or Internship Experience in Acoustics (SURIEA)
SURIEA offers classroom sessions, research training, and career development in acoustics. Interns work with mentors on research or industry projects.
Physics Teaching Jobs at K-12 Private Schools
Let ATOMS Placement help you find your next teaching job. ATOMS is a boutique educational recruitment firm specializing in the placement of STEM (s...
Center for Emergent Materials at Ohio State Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program
Paid 10-week undergraduate research program focusing on designing and growing new materials and developing tools to control their material properties.
Interdisciplinary Renewable and Environmental Collaborative (IREC) REU at UND
This program gives research opportunities to undergraduate students with priority to first generation college students, students from underrepresen...
Visiting Assistant Professor of Physics
DAVIDSON COLLEGE – Two-Year Visiting Assistant Professor Davidson College invites applications for a two-year position at the level of Visiting A...
QUC Fellow Positions in Quantum Information Science at Korea Institute for Advanced Study
QUC Fellow Positions in Quantum Information Science at Korea Institute for Advanced Study [Quantum Universe Center] As the first research institute...
Assistant Professor in Physics and Astronomy (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical-AMO)
UTRGV invites applications for a Tenure-track Assistant Professor position in experimental, theoretical, or computational AMO Physics
Assistant Professor of Physics, Tenure-Track
Worcester Polytechnic Institute invites applicants for a full-time tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor
Regular Faculty
The Physics Department at the University of Idaho is seeking to hire two new tenure-track faculty members at the assistant professor level
Physics Full-Time Tenure-Track Faculty Position
The Department of Physical Sciences invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the physics program