About Princeton University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE)
Princeton's Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering has played a leading role in propulsion, combustion, aerospace dynamics, and fluid dynamics over the past half century. In recent decades the Department has extended its reach as a leading presence in dynamics and control, applied physics, and materials science. By exploiting its multi-disciplinary character and stressing engineering fundamentals, the Department seeks to educate the very best students – undergraduate and graduate - for future positions of leadership in areas of rapidly evolving technology. Intellectual independence and creativity are fostered among undergraduate students through participation in research, design and other project opportunities. Graduate students explore the frontiers of science and technology through a wide range of scholarly activities, which include in-depth thesis level research, formal research presentations, and teaching.
The Department has a long history of leadership in its core research areas of Applied Physics, Dynamics and Controls, Fluid Mechanics, Materials Science, and Propulsion and Energy Sciences. Our strengths extend to cross-disciplinary efforts impacting areas such
... as astronautics, bio-inspired design, bioengineering, medical applications, combustion and energy conversion, computational engineering, the environment and energy technologies, laser-matter interactions, security, and vehicle sciences and applications. We have long-standing interests in all manners of problems across Mechanical and Aerospace Science and Engineering: for example, in space exploration, satellite technology, pollution and alternative fuels, energy usage, battery technology, novel optical systems, propulsion systems, mechanics of fluids and solids, stability and control of vehicles, aircraft performance, and instrumentation.
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