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Assistant Professor in Physics and Astronomy (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical-AMO)
UTRGV invites applications for a Tenure-track Assistant Professor position in experimental, theoretical, or computational AMO Physics
Assistant Professor of Physics, Tenure-Track
Worcester Polytechnic Institute invites applicants for a full-time tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor
Professor & Chair - College of Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering
We are seeking candidates with demonstrated outstanding leadership and a clear vision for the future for civil and environmental engineering
Regular Faculty
The Physics Department at the University of Idaho is seeking to hire two new tenure-track faculty members at the assistant professor level
Physics Full-Time Tenure-Track Faculty Position
The Department of Physical Sciences invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the physics program
NSF-REU in Physics and Astronomy at the University of Kentucky
NSF REU program "Research in Symmetries at UK" focusing on nuclear physics, condensed matter physics, and astronomy.
Georgetown University REU in Materials Physics
Undergraduate students are invited to apply for a 10-week summer research program to engage in a focused research project in materials physics, wor...
K-State Physics REU - Kansas State University Physics Department
The K-State Physics department welcome applicants for our 10 week NSF-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates program. This program offers ...
The incumbent will primarily teach and supervise lower division courses/labs, develop curricula, maintain professional currency, and perform service.
Nanofabrication and X-Ray Optics Research Scientist
Nanofabrication and X-Ray Optics Research Scientist - 103264 Division: AL-Advanced Light Source Lawrence Berkeley National Lab’s (LBNL, https://w...
Physics and Astronomy REU at Stony Brook University
Applications are being accepted for the Summer 2025 NSF funded REU program at Stony Brook University's Department of Physics and Astronomy
Deputy Director for Colliders and Accelerator Facilities
Provide strong engagement with the Electron-Ion Collider, including substantive personal work scope and leadership.
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Physics, Chemistry, & Materials
The College of Wooster's 9-week REU program is housed in the Physics Department and includes a range of projects from astrophysics to quantum optic...