Assistant/Associate/Full Professor

University of Wisconsin-Madison
madison, Wisconsin
Sep 13, 2024
Dec 12, 2024
Role Type
Career Level
Experienced Career
Organization Type

The Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison seeks two new faculty members in polymer research. Position Vacancy Listing (PVL) #305352 focuses on polymeric materials for applications in sustainability, including but not limited to batteries, electrolyzers, carbon dioxide capture and separation, and membranes for water purification and desalination. PVL #305354 is in artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI and ML) for the design of polymeric materials.

Both of these positions are part of the Wisconsin Research, Innovation, and Scholarly Excellence (RISE) Initiative. PVL #305352 is a part of the RISE-Environment: Adaptation, Resilience, Technology, and Humanity (EARTH) initiative, which aims to strengthen the university's ability to address challenges and opportunities related to the environment, translating discoveries into tangible benefits in Wisconsin and beyond. PVL #305354 is a part of the RISE-AI initiative, with the goal of expanding AI and ML at UW-Madison.

UW-Madison hosts outstanding research capabilities, including dedicated soft materials characterization facilities, world class NMR and mass spectroscopy facilities, central computational resources, and advanced instrumentation for microscopy, and optical and electron spectroscopy.